Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh Where Did my Little Cupcake go?

We were waling and we stumpled upon the petting zoo and there we realized that we had a wedding to go to, so we asked the owner if we could leave our precios camel, Cupcake,for a couple of hours. The owner said it was fine with him as long as we pick her up before 12:00a.m.. So we day of the wedding we left Cupcake there. As soon we came back, we were about to take her home, she wouldn't come out of the zoo. We asked her,"Cupcake come out please we have to come home." Then she ran out of the zoo and we didn't know where she went until the following day. So it was the following day, broad day light. We called, and called, and called for Cupcake , but no one answered. So instead we tried to get her favorite treats, carrots and strawberries,but then we saw something familiar. The closer we got the more we reconized it. It was our little precious Cupcake! "Your back home Cupcake",Kristen said. So after we went to a walk and the was the end of a great day.

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